When it does, the ability roots the last enemy hit for almost three times as long as it does normally. However, Tangle-Barbs does do almost identical damage early game when hitting an enemy champion with a tangle, and becomes even stronger after hitting up to 2 enemies. Tangle-Barbs starts out at almost twice the cooldown as Blooming Burst, so PBE players haven’t been recommending it as the first ability to level, instead opting for a strong Q start with occasional E levels. While Neeko can sweep through minions with ease with Q, keeping a handful around is essential to maximizing the power of her root ability, Tangle-Barbs. You can use Blooming Burst to pop out of Neeko’s signature passive, Inherent Glamour (which disguises her as a nearby ally teammate’s champion) pulling off a surprise round of damage that’s especially shocking when popping out of disguise from a melee or close-range character. Keep in mind that Neeko’s secondary blooms are diminished in damage potential by about half, meaning that you’ll only be relying on it to seal the deal in the rarest of occasions. It offers extreme utility in both clearing waves and catching opponents off-guard: on every minion kill, or every champion hit, Blooming Burst can bloom again up to two times, making pushing lane in a pinch extremely easy or making secondary damage happen naturally with opponents who aren’t watching their footing in a dense jungle fight. Blooming Burst’s AOE is large enough to hit a couple rows of minions with good positioning and can easily capture two champions in the midst of a hectic team fight. Blooming Burst throws a magical seed to a targeted area and then, after a short delay, bursts to deal magic damage to any enemies standing in the radius. You might be impressed by the versatility of Neeko’s Q ability. Blooming Burst’s Scale and Secondary Bursts via Riot NA Here are just a few tips and tricks League players are picking up practicing up to the release of the sneaky ranged catcher.

With the core of her design being about subterfuge and misdirection, players are given the opportunity to confuse their enemies into submission, or pressure the opposing lane to waste valuable resources under the suspicion of a greater attack.

Neeko, known as “the curious chameleon”, has been impressing summoners in the PBE so far, and offering a wholly new style of gameplay to consider.
In the upcoming League of Legends patch 8.24 we’ll see the 143rd official champion to hit the rift.